Centralised Admission Portal

Library Rules

The library welcomes students who want to use it. All the students should exercise self-discipline, respect and consideration for others when using the library. Students are also requested to abide by the following few rules.

  • Library cards are issued on production of fee book and college identity card.
  • Honours level text books are available from Seminar Library. One book at a time is issued for 15 days.
  • All categories of text books and reference books are also available from the Central Library both for Honours and general    course students. Here also one book is issued at a time for 15 days.
  • The Book borrowed by the students should be returned on or before the stipulated date mentioned on date-slip. Otherwise, late fine will be charged @ Rs. 0.25 paise per day for non-submission of books within due dates.
  • Students must return the borrowed books before the summer recess and puja vacation.
  • In case of loss or damage of books issued, borrower have to replace the same books of latest edition.
  • The library card is NOT TRANSFERABLE. In case of loss of library card, a duplicate library card will be issued against payment of Rs.10/-.
  • The uses of mobile phones by students are strictly prohibited within the library.
  • During summer recess, the central library remains open as usual.