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Celebration of “ARANYA SAPTAHA”(14th – 20th JULY, 2023)

The department of Geography of Ananda Mohan College celebrated “ARANYA SAPTAHA” (Forest Week, observed in West Bengal every year) from 14th July - 20th July, 2023, through various activities like internal seminar, poster exhibition and tree plantation programme. The students and the teachers were actively engaged in this activity throughout the week.The objective was to aware the students and the common people to conserve the nature through planting trees.The departmental students make a handmade poster on urban tree plantation,its benefit,declining forest cover in Kolkata and other cities etc.Finally the poster was inaugurated by the Principal of the college and also a “Kanchan Tree” was planted at the college premises by the teachers.This unique initiative of the department was highly appreciated by the faculties and students.